January 29

The Truth About You…My Lighthouse

God equips those He calls

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

1 – What does it mean to be equipped?

Do you remember Moses’ story? Read it here (Exodus 3:6-4:17) or watch the video again.

2 – Was Moses equipped for the job God had for him (leading the Israelites out of Egypt)? How do you know? (Hint: God is the potter)

3 – Did Moses trust that God had equipped him? How did Moses respond to God?

4 – How does God respond to Moses’ doubts and fears?

5 – Have you ever doubted yourself? Thought you weren’t strong enough, fast enough, smart enough, nice enough, or old enough to do something? What do you do when you have doubts?

I know that I have doubted myself many times. God wants us to remember Him and to focus on Him in those moments of doubts. He may talk to you, as He talked to Moses. Or, He might send someone else to talk to you. He might remind you of Moses’ story or of a specific verse. God reaches out to us in many different ways, so make sure you are always listening and watching for Him. Read the verse at the top of this page again. Isaiah 41:10

Trust that God is always with you. Trust that God has a plan for you. Trust that His plan is good. Trust that He has equipped you for the work ahead. And, go where He leads you.

Well, in the end, Moses decides to follow God. I don’t think his fears and doubts disappeared, I think he simply chose to act above them and to trust in God instead. He trusted God and God’s plan for him. He followed the path God set in front of him. Will you follow the path God sets in front of you?

Moses is seen as a great leader but, this isn’t perfectly accurate. Moses followed God, God was always the leader. Pray together as a family that God will always be the leader in your lives as well, and that you will trust in Him and follow Him always.

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January 22

The Truth About You…My Lighthouse

Trusting God’s Plan

Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.”

Psalm 43:3

Let’s start with this.

This week we are talking about trusting God and His plan for us. This is not something that is easy to do. Just like the person in this video, I don’t want to jump when it doesn’t look safe. But, God knows the plan. God sees things we can’t see. This is why we need to let God lead us, in the good times and the bad times.

Read the story of Joseph. If you have the Jesus Storybook Bible, it’s called The Forgiving Prince. Or pick up your Bible and read Genesis 37 and 39 to 45. Or, you can watch this video again.

1. How many brothers did Joseph have?

2. Joseph’s brothers made a very bad decision, what was it?

3. Would you like to be a slave? How would you feel if you were forced to be a slave, far away from home and away from your family?

I’m thinking Joseph probably wasn’t super happy and joyful about being a slave, but God was still with him, and Joseph found a way to stay focused on God.

4. Later, Joseph goes to jail for something he didn’t do. Have you ever been punished for something you didn’t do? How did it make you feel? What did you do?

Well, even though this other bad, unfair thing happened to Joseph, God was still with him. God won’t stop all the bad and unfair things from happening. Why? Because, God gave us the freedom to make our own choices. This means that we can still make bad choices and other people can still make bad choices. But, no matter what, God will always be with us.

5. Even though bad things were happening, Joseph did not turn away from God. He continued to trust God, he continued to listen to God. Joseph was known for being able to understand dreams. How was he able to do this?

6. What was Pharoah’s dream? What did the dream mean?

7. How does the story end? Was God’s plan for Joseph good or bad?

Joseph trusted the promise that God would carry him safe to shore. When bad things happen to you, will you stay focused on God? Will you trust God’s plan for you and trust that God will bring you safe to shore?

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January 16

The Truth About You…My Lighthouse

God Knows the Plan

Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

Isaiah 64:8

Would you like to know the future? To know what will happen tomorrow? What will happen next year? Or maybe, you would just like to know if something is hiding in the dark? Or, if you passed your last math test?

There are lots of things we don’t know. And, sometimes, it’s scary not knowing. Sometimes, we might worry when we don’t know. Do you ever get scared or worried? What are things that scare you or worry you?

Well, I know someone that knows all the answers, He knows everything. And, He has a plan for you. He is going to use all the good things, all the scary things and all the sad things to create you, to shape you. Sometimes He might tell you “wait, it’s not time yet” or “wait, you’re not ready yet”. But, that’s OK, because He knows the plan for you. He knows exactly what you need and when you need it. Do you know who that someone is?

Let’s watch the video

Just like the potter, God has a plan. He has a plan for each of us. And, like the clay, we need to be prepared and worked and we will definitely need to wait sometimes, but when we allow God to shape us, when we trust God’s plan for us, we too will be beautiful and strong like the clay.

So, the next time you are worried or scared, remember that God has a plan for you and He does not want us to worry.

Read Matthew 6:25-33

Rather than worry, focus on God. Remember who God is. Remember that God loves us (Ephesians 2:4).  Remember that God is good (Psalm 34:8). Remember that God is always there (Psalm 139:7-10).

When we remember all these things and we focus on God, it is very difficult not to trust God and His plan for us.  (Jeremiah 29:11).

Here’s the video of our new song. Teach your parents the actions. Sing the song to help you remember that we can always trust God and that God is always there to show us the way.

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January 8

The Truth About You…My Lighthouse

“If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,”
even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.

Psalm 139:11-12

When I was little I loved watching a movie called Pete’s Dragon. It was wonderful. But my favourite part was a scene in the end when a big storm comes and a ship is going to be dashed to pieces on the rocks at the shore. But the lighthouse keeper couldn’t get the lamp in the lighthouse lit! I found it so nerve wracking! Would they save the ship in time? The dragon in the story ended up saving the day, lighting the lamp so it could shine through the storm, and warn the sailors about the rocks ahead. It was so good.


Have you ever felt like you’re in the dark and you can’t see what is coming up ahead or know what is going to happen? I bet you have. Talk about a time when you’ve felt lost or uncertain.

With this new series in Kidventure we’re talking about Jesus as being our lighthouse. He will always shine a light for us to be able to see. (And unlike in the movie I loved as a little girl, the lamp in God’s lighthouse doesn’t go out!)


In Psalm 139 it says that God knows us better than anyone. He’s the one who made us when we were babies still inside our moms. Not only did he make us, but he made us wonderfully. What are some things that are wonderful about you? (There are lots!)

The Psalm also goes on to say that God will never leave us. Why do you think he’ll always be with us? (Because he made us and he loves us!)

You and I are so precious to God. We are made with love and care, and God cherishes us deeply. Whenever you start to feel anxious, or worried, or like you’re in the dark, stop and ask God if he’s still there with you. I know what his answer will be. Your Lighthouse will be shining brightly to guide you to him.

Then listen to this song again and remember that we belong to God and he’ll never leave us.


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December 4

The Truth About You…Christ in Your Neighbourhood

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world…The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

John 1: 9 and 14a

Christmas is almost here. There is so much celebrating this time of year; people decorate their homes, the songs on the radio change, gifts are wrapped and special desserts are made. But why? What are we celebrating?

That’s right, Jesus. And do you remember his other name? Immanuel. Which means God with us.

This is why we celebrate.

When we say that God is with us, we mean that He is with us, right now, right this second. He is in you and beside you, He is in front of you, near and far. He is everywhere.  Read Psalm 139:7-12.

Well, I think that is certainly something worth celebrating. And, think about who God is? He is stronger than the strong, bigger than the big. Knowing and remembering that He is beside us and that He is everywhere, helps us to not be afraid. Isaiah 41:10.

Jesus came to earth and said: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”. What does that mean?

Remember that God created physical light, so that our eyes could see, but Jesus is a different kind of light. His light isn’t for our eyes, it’s for our hearts. His light is truth, it is what helps us see right from wrong, it’s what helps us find a good solution to a problem, it’s a light that shows us the best way to go. Remember the example of trying to find our friends’ house using a fake map? Would we be able to find it? No, of course not. Lies and sins are like that fake map, they do not help us, they make things unclear, just like darkness. But the truth makes things clear, the truth is helpful, just like light.

Can you spread Jesus’ light? When you’re at the store or the playground, what could you do? How about when you’re at home? Or with your friends?

Stop and look around. Can you see others spreading light? What are they doing?

This week’s challenge

As a family decide on what you would like to do to spread some light in your neighbourhood. Maybe it’s volunteer at Siloam Mission, maybe it’s bake cookies for the nursing home down the street. Maybe it’s leaving a note for the mailman or shovelling the neighbours driveway. It doesn’t matter what you choose, what’s important is that you act. Choose to act, choose to spread the light, because remember that God is with you wherever you go.



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November 27


Light in our Neighbourhood

“The people who walk in darkness
will see a great light.
For those who live in a land of deep darkness,
a light will shine.”

Isaiah 9:2


This week in Kidventure we talked about Advent and getting ready to celebrate Christmas. Our whole morning was themed around candles – our crafts, our CBG, our talk…

Do you remember why we were talking about candles so much? Every Sunday of Advent we light a new candle to remember that Christmas is coming. It reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world and he brought his light to chase out the darkness.

We also talked about Jesus moving into our neighbourhood. God sent Jesus to live with us and to know us. We talked about one of Jesus’ names and that it means “God with us.” Wanting us to know him and be close to him must have been very important to God for him to name his own son “God with us.” Do you remember what that name is? (Immanuel)

What kinds of things do you thing Jesus did while he was here on earth. Did he eat and sleep? Did he run and jump and play? Did he shovel snow (probably not… there’s very rarely snow where Jesus lived!) He moved into our neighbourhood and lived a life just like us. God wanted to show us that we matter so much to him that he would send his own son, who was King of Heaven, to live among us and know us and teach us about God and his love for us. Isn’t that amazing? We matter that much to God. You matter that much to God!

Knowing that Jesus came to be a light in our world and that he brings light into our hearts, what are some things that we can do to share his light with other people? Write a note or a card to someone? Show kindness at school? Be a good encourager? What are some other ideas you can think of? Remember how lighting the candles and sharing the flame made the whole Kidventure room brighter? Imagine that when you live like Jesus and love like Jesus, the whole earth starts to glow with his light. Pretty amazing, huh?

Watch and listen to this song again. It’s a great song for Advent because it reminds us that God is everywhere with us and will never leave. And that’s the whole reason Jesus came, to tell us that God is with us!

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November 20

The Truth About You…Creation

Day 7 – God rested

Yes, I must find rest in God.

He is the God who gives me hope.

It is surely true that He is my rock and the God who saves me.

He is like a fort to me, so I will always be secure.

I depend on God to save me and to honour me.

He is my mighty rock and my place of safety.

Trust in Him at all times, you people.

Tell Him all your troubles. 

God is our place of safety.

Psalm 62:5-8

So, this week we conclude our days of creation series with Day 7. The day where God rested.

First of all, let’s explain that when the Bible says that God rested, what it’s really saying is that God stopped working. Not that God slept, because God does not need sleep. So, God worked for 6 days, then, on day 7, he stopped working.

Why did He stop working?

Well, He saw everything that He had created and declared it “very good” Genesis 1:31. There was nothing else that needed to be created.

Ok, so God rested, or stopped working on day 7. Why is that important?

Well, Day 7 is important because God blesses it. Genesis 2:2-3

Now, let’s think about God and who God is again. God can do anything. He has unimaginable power. I mean He created light and stars and birds and mountains by simply speaking. So, with that much power, couldn’t God have created everything in just one day? Of course He could have. So, why did He work for 6 days and why did He rest on Day 7?

Well, God is leading by example. He is showing us that we need to follow a pattern of work and rest.

Exodus 16:13-26

Exodus 34:21

Deuteronomy 5:14

Jesus tells us that the Sabbath day is for us. Mark 2:27

God created us, and so, knows exactly what we need. We need to rest. Sleep is one way our bodies rest. Sleeping helps keep our brains healthy so that we can learn and remember, it also keeps our hearts healthy and gives our bodies time to grow. But sleep isn’t the only kind of rest our bodies need.

Can you imagine going to school and sitting at a desk everyday, all day, day after day after day? What would happen to your body? What would happen to your mind?

I think I would become very weak, I would always be tired, I probably wouldn’t be able to remember the things I was learning anymore. We know that in order to keep our minds and bodies healthy we need to take breaks. It’s not good to do the same one thing all the time, even if that one thing is as fun as drawing or reading a book. We need breaks so that we can be refreshed.

Well, our spirit is like our body. Our spirit also needs to be refreshed. Day 7 is a day that God has set apart for us. It is a day where we are called to take a break from our normal routine to connect with God and worship God. Isaiah 58:13  What do you do to connect with God?

God wants us to go to Him. To find rest in Him. Matthew 11:28


What does resting in God look like? Psalm 62:5-8

When we rely on ourselves and our own abilities, we will not find rest. But, when we choose to depend on God, to trust God, to obey God we will enter His rest, our spirit will be refreshed.

This week’s challenge

Take time this week to connect with God.

-Go for a walk outside and take some time to appreciate all that God has created.

-Read your favourite Bible story, or read a story you’ve never read before.

-Gather your family and sing your favourite worship song together.

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