Posts made in May, 2017

May 28

The Truth About You…Who I am

God Is With Me. Alway.

“You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.”

Psalm 139:5 (NLT)

This Sunday we heard the story of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came down and filled the disciples. Watch these kids retell the story of Pentecost:

  1. In the beginning of this story, what were the disciples waiting for? (the special help
    Jesus was going to send; the Holy Spirit)
  2.  What did they hear right before the Holy Spirit arrived? (a
    whoosh of wind) Then what separated and went onto each of them? (A flaming tongue of fire!)
  3. Then where did the Holy Spirit go? (inside each of them) What did they do after they were filled with the Holy Spirit? (Ran outside, began to teach people about Jesus!)
  4. Where is the Holy Spirit now? (He lives inside people who follow Jesus!)
  5. Will the Holy Spirit ever leave us? What does Psalm 139:5 say? No! When God’s spirit lives inside of us God is always with us. Isn’t that fantastic news?
  6. What is one way you can ask the Holy Spirit to help you this week? (help us love others who are rude to us, be joyful even in hard times, have peace because we know God is with us, etc.)

Take a look at this new song that reminds us that because God is always with us we can be brave!



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May 21

The Truth About You…Who I am

God Has a Good Plan for Me

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

This Sunday we heard again about the story of Joseph. You can read Joseph’s story in Genesis 37 or you can watch this video as a reminder.

Man, Joseph sure was having a bad day, wasn’t he? More than a bad day, he was having a bad time altogether!

  1. Why did God let good and bad things happen to Joseph? (Read Genesis 50:20: You planned to harm me. But God planned it for good. He planned to do what is now being done. He wanted to save many lives.)
  2. How can God use bad things for good? If you were Joseph, would you have kept following God during the bad times?
  3. How can we keep following God, even on bad days? (pray, talk to our parents about it, remember that God has a good plan for us)
  4. Can you think of anything else in the Bible that seems bad, but was used by God for good? (Jesus’ Rescue!)

God can take the very worst day EVER…and he can use it for good. If we are a part of God’s family, we can trust that he will always take care of us, even if we go through some bad days. All we have to do is remember that God has a good plan for us and that helps us trust in him!

Watch this video and remember that God doesn’t only have a good plan for you and for me, he has a good plan for ALL of creation!

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May 7, 2017

The Truth About You…Who I am

I can trust God

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding.”

Proverbs 3:5

So far, we’ve learned that God loves us. He created us and we belong to Him. These are things that no one can change. We cannot change. They are true now, they were true yesterday and they will be true tomorrow.

This week, we will see that we can trust God. This too is true. No matter what, no matter where, no matter when, we can trust God.

1 – What is trust?

2 – Who is someone you trust?  Your parents? Why do you trust them?

3 – Is there anyone you don’t trust? Why?

4 – Is God trustworthy (someone you trust)? Why?

5 – Ask your parents what their favourite bible story is. Read that story together. In that story, does God show He can be trusted? Why or why not?

watch this video

Are you familiar with Noah’s story? Maybe read through the story again. Genesis 6-9

Noah knew God and Noah loved God. This led to Noah trusting God. And, because Noah trusted God, Noah obeyed God. Now, obeying God isn’t always easy. I mean, Noah had to build a giant boat in the middle of the desert. But, obeying God is always the right thing to do. The good news is that trusting God makes us stronger, braver and smarter. With God by our side, we can do the impossible.

6 – Do you think Noah enjoyed building the boat? Do you think Noah had fun caring for all the animals on the boat? Would you like to take care of hundreds of animals?

7 – Are you like Noah? Do you know God? Love God? Trust God? Will you obey God?

This isn’t a new song, but I’m putting it here to remind us that God is worthy of our trust.


watch this video as a family

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April 30

The Truth About You…Who I am

I belong to God

Know that the Lord is God. He made us, and we belong to him. We are his people. We are the sheep belonging to his flock.”

Psalm 100:3

Read Psalm 100:3 (at the top)

This verse sums our next truth about you very nicely. God made you and you belong to God.

Here’s a couple songs to help you remember exactly that.

God made you. You are created exactly the way you are supposed to be.

You belong to God. And God loves you. Nothing can change that. Not ever.

1 – Other than God, who do you belong to?

2 – Since you belong to your parents, what kinds of things do they do for you? Are they good things? Or bad things?

Belonging to God means that you get to be a part of God’s family. And, just like your parents love you and care for you and keep you safe, God loves you and cares for you and keeps you safe.

Read John 10:1-18. or watch this

Jesus told this story to help people understand that we belong to Him, and that He will care for us.

3 – Who are you in this story? Hint: think of the cotton balls

4 – What makes Jesus different than the hired hand or the robber or the wolf?

5 – How does it make you feel to know that you belong to God?

6 – Other than you, do you know anyone else that belongs to God? Who? Wow! What a big family.

Bonus verses to prove the truth.

Isaiah 43:1

1 John 3:1


John 10:16 says “I have other sheep that do not belong to this sheep pen. I must bring them in too. They also will listen to my voice. Then there will be one flock and one shepherd.”

What (or who) is Jesus talking about?

What can you do to help there be one flock and one shepherd?

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