Dig Deeper

May 7, 2017

The Truth About You…Who I am

I can trust God

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding.”

Proverbs 3:5

So far, we’ve learned that God loves us. He created us and we belong to Him. These are things that no one can change. We cannot change. They are true now, they were true yesterday and they will be true tomorrow.

This week, we will see that we can trust God. This too is true. No matter what, no matter where, no matter when, we can trust God.

1 – What is trust?

2 – Who is someone you trust?  Your parents? Why do you trust them?

3 – Is there anyone you don’t trust? Why?

4 – Is God trustworthy (someone you trust)? Why?

5 – Ask your parents what their favourite bible story is. Read that story together. In that story, does God show He can be trusted? Why or why not?

watch this video

Are you familiar with Noah’s story? Maybe read through the story again. Genesis 6-9

Noah knew God and Noah loved God. This led to Noah trusting God. And, because Noah trusted God, Noah obeyed God. Now, obeying God isn’t always easy. I mean, Noah had to build a giant boat in the middle of the desert. But, obeying God is always the right thing to do. The good news is that trusting God makes us stronger, braver and smarter. With God by our side, we can do the impossible.

6 – Do you think Noah enjoyed building the boat? Do you think Noah had fun caring for all the animals on the boat? Would you like to take care of hundreds of animals?

7 – Are you like Noah? Do you know God? Love God? Trust God? Will you obey God?

This isn’t a new song, but I’m putting it here to remind us that God is worthy of our trust.


watch this video as a family

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April 30

The Truth About You…Who I am

I belong to God

Know that the Lord is God. He made us, and we belong to him. We are his people. We are the sheep belonging to his flock.”

Psalm 100:3

Read Psalm 100:3 (at the top)

This verse sums our next truth about you very nicely. God made you and you belong to God.

Here’s a couple songs to help you remember exactly that.

God made you. You are created exactly the way you are supposed to be.

You belong to God. And God loves you. Nothing can change that. Not ever.

1 – Other than God, who do you belong to?

2 – Since you belong to your parents, what kinds of things do they do for you? Are they good things? Or bad things?

Belonging to God means that you get to be a part of God’s family. And, just like your parents love you and care for you and keep you safe, God loves you and cares for you and keeps you safe.

Read John 10:1-18. or watch this

Jesus told this story to help people understand that we belong to Him, and that He will care for us.

3 – Who are you in this story? Hint: think of the cotton balls

4 – What makes Jesus different than the hired hand or the robber or the wolf?

5 – How does it make you feel to know that you belong to God?

6 – Other than you, do you know anyone else that belongs to God? Who? Wow! What a big family.

Bonus verses to prove the truth.

Isaiah 43:1

1 John 3:1


John 10:16 says “I have other sheep that do not belong to this sheep pen. I must bring them in too. They also will listen to my voice. Then there will be one flock and one shepherd.”

What (or who) is Jesus talking about?

What can you do to help there be one flock and one shepherd?

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April 23

The Truth About You…Who I am

I am loved by God

Here is how God showed his love among us. He sent his one and only Son into the world. He sent him so we could receive life through him. Here is what love is. It is not that we loved God. It is that he loved us and sent his Son to give his life to pay for our sins.”

1 John 4:9-10

1 – Easter wasn’t very long ago, why do we celebrate Easter?

2 – Why did God send Jesus to Earth? Not only does He send Jesus to Earth, but He sends Jesus to die on Earth, to die on a cross. Why?

3 – How much does God love you? How do you know? (the Bible tells me so)

If you have the Jesus Storybook Bible, read “Running Away”. Or, grab your bible and read Luke 15:11-32. Or, you can watch this video

4 – In this story, the father represents God and the brothers represent us. How do you think the father felt when his youngest son left home? How did the father feel when the son returned home?

5 – What is the worst, meanest, wrongest thing you’ve ever done? Did you eventually say sorry? Was it easy to say sorry? Were you forgiven?

Jesus told this story so that people would know that no matter what, they can never, ever run too far away from God. That God is always waiting for them, loving them, wanting them to come home.

6 – Ask your parents how much they love you. Make sure you tell your parents how much you love them. And, then think about how God’s love is like a hundred billion times greater than that.

Wow! Amazing!

Let’s try a new song for every week.

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April 9 & 16

The Truth About You…My Superhero

Jesus Died and Rose Again!

“I know you are looking for Jesus, who was nailed to a cross. He isn’t here! God has raised him to life, just as Jesus said he would.

Matthew 28:5-6

This week we celebrated a very special, exciting event. We celebrated Easter! You can read the story in Mark 14-16. What is your favourite thing about Easter?

Jesus’ friends were very excited about Easter, too, but not because of Easter eggs, or chocolate, or candies. They had a whole other reason to be excited, and we do, too! But first…

  1. Why were Jesus’ friends so sad on Good Friday? Have you ever been sad? Does it make you sad to think of Jesus dying on the cross?
  2. Why do you think Jesus was willing to die on the cross and rescue us, even though it’s so sad and was so hard for Jesus? (he loves us and wants us to be close to him and God)
  3. Do you remember when Corrie cracked open the first egg? What was inside the egg? Do you think Jesus’ friends expected Jesus’ body to be in the tomb? What happened when Corrie cracked open the second egg? (it was empty!)
  4. How did you feel when you saw that the egg was empty? How do you think Jesus’ friends felt when they saw that the tomb was empty and the angel told them Jesus wasn’t dead anymore but was alive?
  5. How do you feel when you’re excited? Are you excited about Jesus being alive just like Jesus’ friends were?
  6. So what’s the best part of the Easter story? Is it chocolates or candies or Easter eggs? No! Jesus is alive and we can be close to him! Hooray! (now do a little happy dance!)

Here’s a video you can watch that helps us understand how something so sad can make us so happy.


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March 26 & April 2

The Truth About You…My Superhero

Jesus Loves Everyone. (even mean people)

“We love because he first loved us.

1 John 4:19

This week you get two lessons for the price of one! (free that is) On March 26th we heard the story of Jesus healing Simon’s mother in law (Mark 9:29-39), and on April 2nd we heard the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10).

  1. If you could have a super power what would it be? Would it be a super power that could help people?
  2. When Jesus healed Simon’s mother in law he showed everybody he had a superpower and could heal people, how did people react to that? (they all brought people for Jesus to heal)
  3. Did Jesus heal those people? Did he stick around to keep healing people? Why did he tell the disciples he was leaving?
  4. When we meet Zacchaeus was his body sick? Did it need healing? What part of Zacchaeus was “sick”? (his heart)
  5. How did Zacchaeus change after he had lunch with Jesus? Did he stay a mean guy?
  6. Has anyone ever been mean to you? Is it easy or hard to love someone who’s been mean to you? Have you ever been mean?
  7. Jesus will always love us. Always, always, always, no matter if we’ve been mean, or bad, or unkind. He wants to heal and change our hearts to be more like him, that’s why he came to rescue us!
  8. It’s not always easy to love other people, but 1 John 4:19 tells us that Jesus loves us no matter what and, with Jesus’ help, we can learn to love others (even if they’re mean!).
  9. Pray together and ask God to help our hearts to change to be loving and kind, just like Jesus.

Take a look at this video, it’s another story of how Jesus healed someone and the real reason he came (hint: it wasn’t JUST to heal people’s bodies)

Then watch this fun song about Zacchaeus!

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March 19

The Truth About You…My Superhero

God doesn’t get tired of helping.

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

Isaiah 46:4

Today we heard the story of Gideon. You can review the story by watching this video

or, pull out your Bible. Gideon’s story is found in Judges 6 and 7.

1 – Who needs saving in our story? Why? Have God’s people needed saving before? Do you remember last week’s story (the parting of the Red Sea)?

So, in today’s story the Israelites have once again forgotten about God. And, they are once again being mistreated. This time by the Midianites. And, once again, they call out to God for help. And, once again, God comes to save them.

2 – Who does God choose to lead the Israelites?

3 – Does Gideon believe that he is the right person for the job?

Moses did not believe he was the right guy for the job either, and so God showed Moses He would be with him by turning the staff into a snake and a few other miracles. God was persistent, He never gave up on Moses. In today’s story, the same thing happens. God doesn’t give up on Gideon even though Gideon doubts God. So, remember, that God won’t give up on you either.

4 – How does God show Gideon that He will be with him?

5 – Finally, Gideon accepts the job God has given him. Will you accept the jobs God gives you?

6 – How does Gideon win the battle against the Midianites? Is this how battles are typically won?


7 – God calls Gideon “mighty warrior”. Why does He call him this, Gideon wasn’t a soldier, he wasn’t the biggest or the strongest?

8 – Try to think of other “warriors” in the Bible that go to battle without swords.

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