Dig Deeper

March 12

The Truth About You…My Superhero

God hears and helps!

“As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me.
Evening, morning, and noon I cry out in distress,
and he hears my voice.

Psalm 55:16-17

This week in Kidventure we talked about how God always hears his people when they call out to him. We learned about when the Israelites (God’s people) called out to him for help and he heard them and rescued them. You can read the story in the Bible starting in Exodus 5 or you can watch this video (it’s a long story to read):

Now that you know the story, answer these questions:

1. In Psalm 55 it uses the word “distress” what does that mean? Were the Israelites in distress and unhappy? (Yes! They were stuck as slaves; Pharaoh made them work very hard and did not care if they were happy, hot, hurt, hungry, tired, etc.)
2. Did Pharaoh want to let the Israelites go? (No, he wanted to keep them as slaves.)                                                                                                   3. Did God hear his people’s cry for help? What did he do? (Yes! God sent the 10 plagues to try to convince Pharaoh to let his family go.)
4. What did God tell his people to do when the angel passed by their homes? (He told the families to put the blood of a lamb above the doors so that the angel would pass by, and they would be protected.)
5. Just like that lamb died to save the oldest sons, who came and died to save us? (Jesus!)
6. What did God’s family do after they were rescued and walked through the Red Sea? (They celebrated and thanked him with music and dancing!)                                                                                                     7. Can you think of a time when you called out to God for help and he heard you and helped you? Pray together and thank God for always hearing us and always helping us.

Then check out the video for the new song we learned on Sunday!

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March 5

The Truth About You…My Superhero

We need help!

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Romans 3:23

1 – Who needs a saviour? Why?

Well, now that you’ve answered those questions you know exactly what this series is all about. Now, just for fun, let’s go all the way back to the first sin.

If you have the Jesus Storybook Bible, read “The terrible lie”. Or, grab your bible and read Genesis 3. Or, you can watch this video

2 – Did God love Adam and Eve?

3 – Were there any rules in God’s perfect garden? What was the rule? What kind of rules do you have to obey?

4 – Did Adam and Eve obey the rule? Why or why not?

5 – How did Adam and Eve feel after they broke the rule? How did God feel after Adam and Eve broke the rule?

6 – Do you ever break the rules? How do you feel after you break a rule?

7 – Do your parents stop loving you when you break the rules? Does God stop loving you when you break the rules?

Read Romans 8:38-39

8 – Is there anything you can do that could make God stop loving you?

The good news is that the story doesn’t end here. God loves you and God wants you. So, stay tuned as we see God’s Rescue Plan unfold.


Here’s the video from our new song. Be sure to teach your parents the actions.

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February 5

The Truth About You…My Lighthouse

Jesus is the Light

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”.”

John 8:12

This week we broke down our memory verse.

1 – What is light?

2 – Find a room in your house where there is no sunlight and keep the lights off. What can you see? Do you like being in the dark?

Light allows us to see. Light makes things visible.

3 – What can create light? (sun, lightbulb, fire)

Jesus says “I am the light of the world”. He wants everyone to know that He will make things visible and that He is the only one who can make things visible.

4 – What is Jesus illuminating? What is He showing us?

John 14:6

Matthew 5:1-12

John 13:13-17

5 – What happens when we walk in front of a flashlight? Can you still see which way to go?

The second part of the verse is, “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness”. If we want to see what Jesus has to show us, if we want to see the truth, we have to follow Jesus, we have to walk behind the light. Jesus has to be the leader. And, when Jesus is leading and we are following, we are not in the dark.

6 – Can you create light? Can you shine?

We will talk more about this in a couple weeks so stay tuned.

Here’s our new song.

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January 29

The Truth About You…My Lighthouse

God equips those He calls

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

1 – What does it mean to be equipped?

Do you remember Moses’ story? Read it here (Exodus 3:6-4:17) or watch the video again.

2 – Was Moses equipped for the job God had for him (leading the Israelites out of Egypt)? How do you know? (Hint: God is the potter)

3 – Did Moses trust that God had equipped him? How did Moses respond to God?

4 – How does God respond to Moses’ doubts and fears?

5 – Have you ever doubted yourself? Thought you weren’t strong enough, fast enough, smart enough, nice enough, or old enough to do something? What do you do when you have doubts?

I know that I have doubted myself many times. God wants us to remember Him and to focus on Him in those moments of doubts. He may talk to you, as He talked to Moses. Or, He might send someone else to talk to you. He might remind you of Moses’ story or of a specific verse. God reaches out to us in many different ways, so make sure you are always listening and watching for Him. Read the verse at the top of this page again. Isaiah 41:10

Trust that God is always with you. Trust that God has a plan for you. Trust that His plan is good. Trust that He has equipped you for the work ahead. And, go where He leads you.

Well, in the end, Moses decides to follow God. I don’t think his fears and doubts disappeared, I think he simply chose to act above them and to trust in God instead. He trusted God and God’s plan for him. He followed the path God set in front of him. Will you follow the path God sets in front of you?

Moses is seen as a great leader but, this isn’t perfectly accurate. Moses followed God, God was always the leader. Pray together as a family that God will always be the leader in your lives as well, and that you will trust in Him and follow Him always.

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January 22

The Truth About You…My Lighthouse

Trusting God’s Plan

Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.”

Psalm 43:3

Let’s start with this.

This week we are talking about trusting God and His plan for us. This is not something that is easy to do. Just like the person in this video, I don’t want to jump when it doesn’t look safe. But, God knows the plan. God sees things we can’t see. This is why we need to let God lead us, in the good times and the bad times.

Read the story of Joseph. If you have the Jesus Storybook Bible, it’s called The Forgiving Prince. Or pick up your Bible and read Genesis 37 and 39 to 45. Or, you can watch this video again.

1. How many brothers did Joseph have?

2. Joseph’s brothers made a very bad decision, what was it?

3. Would you like to be a slave? How would you feel if you were forced to be a slave, far away from home and away from your family?

I’m thinking Joseph probably wasn’t super happy and joyful about being a slave, but God was still with him, and Joseph found a way to stay focused on God.

4. Later, Joseph goes to jail for something he didn’t do. Have you ever been punished for something you didn’t do? How did it make you feel? What did you do?

Well, even though this other bad, unfair thing happened to Joseph, God was still with him. God won’t stop all the bad and unfair things from happening. Why? Because, God gave us the freedom to make our own choices. This means that we can still make bad choices and other people can still make bad choices. But, no matter what, God will always be with us.

5. Even though bad things were happening, Joseph did not turn away from God. He continued to trust God, he continued to listen to God. Joseph was known for being able to understand dreams. How was he able to do this?

6. What was Pharoah’s dream? What did the dream mean?

7. How does the story end? Was God’s plan for Joseph good or bad?

Joseph trusted the promise that God would carry him safe to shore. When bad things happen to you, will you stay focused on God? Will you trust God’s plan for you and trust that God will bring you safe to shore?

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January 16

The Truth About You…My Lighthouse

God Knows the Plan

Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

Isaiah 64:8

Would you like to know the future? To know what will happen tomorrow? What will happen next year? Or maybe, you would just like to know if something is hiding in the dark? Or, if you passed your last math test?

There are lots of things we don’t know. And, sometimes, it’s scary not knowing. Sometimes, we might worry when we don’t know. Do you ever get scared or worried? What are things that scare you or worry you?

Well, I know someone that knows all the answers, He knows everything. And, He has a plan for you. He is going to use all the good things, all the scary things and all the sad things to create you, to shape you. Sometimes He might tell you “wait, it’s not time yet” or “wait, you’re not ready yet”. But, that’s OK, because He knows the plan for you. He knows exactly what you need and when you need it. Do you know who that someone is?

Let’s watch the video

Just like the potter, God has a plan. He has a plan for each of us. And, like the clay, we need to be prepared and worked and we will definitely need to wait sometimes, but when we allow God to shape us, when we trust God’s plan for us, we too will be beautiful and strong like the clay.

So, the next time you are worried or scared, remember that God has a plan for you and He does not want us to worry.

Read Matthew 6:25-33

Rather than worry, focus on God. Remember who God is. Remember that God loves us (Ephesians 2:4).  Remember that God is good (Psalm 34:8). Remember that God is always there (Psalm 139:7-10).

When we remember all these things and we focus on God, it is very difficult not to trust God and His plan for us.  (Jeremiah 29:11).

Here’s the video of our new song. Teach your parents the actions. Sing the song to help you remember that we can always trust God and that God is always there to show us the way.

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