The Truth About You…My Superhero

We need help!

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Romans 3:23

1 – Who needs a saviour? Why?

Well, now that you’ve answered those questions you know exactly what this series is all about. Now, just for fun, let’s go all the way back to the first sin.

If you have the Jesus Storybook Bible, read “The terrible lie”. Or, grab your bible and read Genesis 3. Or, you can watch this video

2 – Did God love Adam and Eve?

3 – Were there any rules in God’s perfect garden? What was the rule? What kind of rules do you have to obey?

4 – Did Adam and Eve obey the rule? Why or why not?

5 – How did Adam and Eve feel after they broke the rule? How did God feel after Adam and Eve broke the rule?

6 – Do you ever break the rules? How do you feel after you break a rule?

7 – Do your parents stop loving you when you break the rules? Does God stop loving you when you break the rules?

Read Romans 8:38-39

8 – Is there anything you can do that could make God stop loving you?

The good news is that the story doesn’t end here. God loves you and God wants you. So, stay tuned as we see God’s Rescue Plan unfold.


Here’s the video from our new song. Be sure to teach your parents the actions.