Saul becomes Paul
“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. He chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the things of this world that are common and looked down on. He chose what is not considered to be important to do away with what is considered to be important. So no one can brag to God.” 1Corinthians 1:27-29
Dig Deeper Lesson
Remember when God called Zacchaeus? Remember when he called the disciples? These men were not perfect. And, they were certainly not considered important men. But, they were important to God. We are all important to God. And when we choose to follow Him, we can do amazing things with the power God gives us.
Today I’m asking you to read another story where God chooses to call a not so perfect man to follow Him. In fact, this man was mean and hurtful to Jesus’ friends. Read the story and see how he changed.
I’ve linked this video before, but here it is again. It’s a great song to help us remember that Jesus calls all of us to follow Him and to tell the world about Him.
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