Love for Daryl and Corrie

Love for Daryl and Corrie

We thought it would be a good idea to have all of the things we have going on for Daryl and Corrie in one place on our website. Here’s a link to Daryl’s blog: Here’s a link to the Prayer Train: If we...
Advent Resources

Advent Resources

As we enter into the season of Advent, it is helpful to have some activities, readings and touch-points for ourselves and our families to mark the significance of this time of year, apart from the excitement over traditions, gifts and decorations. Below is a list of...
List of Spiritual Gifts

List of Spiritual Gifts

John and Linda Parsons will be sharing their Faith Stories with us this Sunday (October 21, 2018) as they relate to our theme of Gifts of the Spirit. Here they have provided a list of Spiritual Gifts, along with their categories and descriptions for our edification!...
Small Groups

Small Groups

Here is a list of the current small groups running or starting up at GNF this fall! Bros and Brews Organizers: Don Amero & Jeremy Wells A guys’ group that meets once a month from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm to try out local brew houses and chat about life, the...

Welcome to Your GNF Members Pages

This is a dedicated space to stay up-to-date with everything going on at GNF and in our community! In addition to our private Facebook Group, this will be a place where information relevant to our community will be posted. Feel welcome ask questions, leave feedback or...
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