Guilt – To Whom Do We Belong?

Guilt - To Whom Do We Belong?

by Kasey Vander Veen

We continue our 3-part Round Robin Preaching Series on the Heidelberg Catechism. The pastors from each of the three Winnipeg CRC Churches will take turns preaching in each church, highlighting just one of the three areas of the catechism. The Catechism is divided into fifty-two sections, called “Lord’s Days,” which were designed to be taught on each Sunday of the year. Each of these “Lord’s Days” were comprised of questions and answers regarding the basic beliefs of the early reformation. It could be described as A Short Course On Christianity, the outline of which would look as follows:

>Guilt: Lord’s Day 2,3,4 – The Fall, Man’s Natural State, God’s Requirement
>Grace: Lord’s Day 5-31 – The Apostle’s Creed (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit), Justification, The Sacraments (Baptism and Communion)
>Gratitude: Lord’s Day 32-52 – Conversion, The 10 Commandments, The Lord’s Prayer

This Sunday, Pastor Kasey leadsĀ us through the concept of Guilt.

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